Thursday 15 December 2011

Summer Holidays and 2012!

Wow, it's the first day of summer holidays. I hope that everyone has had a fabulous start to their holidays.

You are all going to be year 3 next and in the middle block. Every child in room 11 met their new teachers on Tuesday and was given a holiday kit containing a welcome note, an information sheet for parents, a basic facts sheet and a diary.

If you find yourself getting bored these holidays, here are a few ideas of something you might like to do.

*Practice those basic facts! If you've practiced the sheet you were given and know them all off by heart, check out the games on our class blog. Fun 4 the brain is a fantastic site with a lot of basic facts games to play.

*Keep a diary of all the exciting fun things you have been doing. If you run out of room in the diary you were given you might like to add pages.

*Send me an email. You might like to write me an email telling me some of the awesome things you have been doing. I'd love to hear about your Christmas and summer holidays.

*Check out my new class blog for next year, especially if you will be in room 5 with me!
Mrs Mason's Blog

Have a fantastic holiday!

Thursday 22 September 2011


Every morning we spend the first part of our day doing fitness. As the weather is getting warmer we are able to spend more time outside for fitness. Unfortunately there are still a few rainy days and on those days we need to fitness inside. Over the term Room 11 have found a few fitness songs we really enjoy.

You might like to practice these over the holidays. A little bit of fitness in the morning is a fantastic start to the day.

Hey Baby

Touch the Stars

Reach Up High

Dingle Dangle Scarecrow

Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes

Monday 19 September 2011

Baby Mice Update

The baby mice are 3 weeks old. On Saturday this week they will be ready to leave their mum to go to new cages and new homes. They still look so small though. These photos show the mice up until 12 days old.

7 days old.

8 days old. Wow that fur grew over night!

10 days old

11 days old

12 days old.

Tuesday 13 September 2011


This term we have been learning about France. The schools in the Upper Hutt region were given a country to support and learn about for the Rugby World Cup. Totara Park School pulled France out of the hat.

On Tuesday we did some amazing Eiffel tower French flag works of art.

Some of our lovely art, keep an eye out in the office for more of our amazing art!
This afternoon we learnt to say hello, introduce ourselves and say good bye in French.
We talked about the different languages that other countries speak. It was great to hear from the children what languages they know are spoken in different countries.

Gihan told us that people in Sri Lanka speak Sinhalese.
Fran told us people in Chile speak Spanish.
Christopher told us people in South Africa speak Afrikaans.

Don't forget homework books are due tomorrow (at the latest Friday) and reading books will be going home tomorrow. As we are becoming better readers the books we read in class are getting longer and it takes more time to cover everything we need to in class. If you need to take more books home please get one from your reading box.

Au revoir!

Sunday 11 September 2011


The velociraptor is eating tyrannosaurus rex for dinner. He is finished but there are lots more pieces of tyrannosaurous rex and another dinosaur is coming to eat the velociraptor. The velociraptor is going to run away because he doesn't want to get eaten up. He doesn't want to fight because velociraptor is scared of the dinosaur.

By Thomas

You could download this velociraptor to colour at home!

Prize Giving

When it was prize giving I got a trophey. It says it is for the best defender. I brought my water gun because after all the prizes had been given we went to H2O. I saw Luke and Jakob. Luke is in my team.  It is rugby. It was awesome. I saw Kharsyn.

By Gihan

The Ambulance

I swallowed a Hello Kitty. I had to stand still. They took me to hospital. They put a needle in my hand. They put special cream on me to make my arm and hand numb. When the Hello Kitty got out I was allowed a lemonade iceblock, a drink, a juice and a tube of ice cream. I felt sad and then happy.

By Emily

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Baby Mice

On Friday the 26th of August Jasmine the mouse had her babies.

There were 11 babies , 5 girls and 6 boys.

In class we've been looking at photos that show their growth.

Over the last couple of weeks they have grown from pink jelly beans to miniature mice!

1 day old
2 days old

3 days old

4 days old

5 days old

6 days old

Sweet Peas!

At the start of Term 3 we planted sweet pea seeds.

We planted them in our recycled yogurt container plant pots, which we decorated ourselves.

Look how much our plants have grown!

Our plants are almost ready to be sent home and transfered to your gardens.


Welcome to the Room 11 Blog.

Here you will find maths games, reading games and a few free choice games that we play at school.

We will try to post some of the exciting things that are happening in our classroom and around the school. We might even publish some of our stories here!