Tuesday 13 September 2011


This term we have been learning about France. The schools in the Upper Hutt region were given a country to support and learn about for the Rugby World Cup. Totara Park School pulled France out of the hat.

On Tuesday we did some amazing Eiffel tower French flag works of art.

Some of our lovely art, keep an eye out in the office for more of our amazing art!
This afternoon we learnt to say hello, introduce ourselves and say good bye in French.
We talked about the different languages that other countries speak. It was great to hear from the children what languages they know are spoken in different countries.

Gihan told us that people in Sri Lanka speak Sinhalese.
Fran told us people in Chile speak Spanish.
Christopher told us people in South Africa speak Afrikaans.

Don't forget homework books are due tomorrow (at the latest Friday) and reading books will be going home tomorrow. As we are becoming better readers the books we read in class are getting longer and it takes more time to cover everything we need to in class. If you need to take more books home please get one from your reading box.

Au revoir!

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